[dt_sc_icon_box_colored fontawesome_icon=’users’ title=’ARI SPRING RETREAT 2021′ bgcolor=’#4bbcd7′ ]
Graylyn Conference Center
Winston Salem, NC | Date: April 21-24, 2021
Applications for ARI 2021 are due closed.
[dt_sc_icon_box_colored fontawesome_icon=’book’ title=’SUMMER RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2020 ‘ bgcolor=’#4bbcd7’ ]
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA | July 12–17

Upcoming Webinar
Succeeding in Aging and Mental Health Research
Date: January 19, 2021
Time: 3:00 pm ET
Presenter: Bret R. Rutherford, MD
Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Topic: Crafting your Specific Aims Page
Meeting ID: 990 2629 9737
Passcode: 000
Succeeding in Aging and Mental Health Research is a monthly webinar series. Each month, researchers in the field of aging and mental health present webinars on wide-ranging topics to support career development. The presenters, all successful members of the ARI/CIMA network, share expertise and insights on specific topics related to developing research and research careers in our field.
Check back for upcoming topics, and visit our library of Recorded Webinars to review past topics.